The Steed Isolated Stepdown Transformer is a powerful and reliable transformer model, capable of delivering a 250W output through its 240V input. Its 115V output makes it perfect for a wide range of applications. With its compact design and durable construction, the Steed STIG-DX-250 can be counted on for reliable power.
- Electrically isolated between primary and secondary
- Protective earth carried through to output
- Useable with precision electric & electronic appliances.
- Compact, excellent, safe and robust construction - steel case.
- Includes a resettable circuit breaker instead of fuse.
AC Voltage rating : 240V, 115V |
Width : 133mm |
Height : 98mm |
Depth : 81mm |
Weight : 3.2kg |
Rated for AU Mains : true |
Rated for US Mains : true |
Mains Max Current : 2.2A |
Max Input Power : 250VA |
Packaged Volume : 3.6l |
Packaged Weight : 3.46kg |
Packaged Length : 17.4cm |
Packaged Width : 15.2cm |
Packaged Height : 13.6cm |
Type of Transformer : Stepdown Power Conversion |
Primary Winding Connection : Mains AU/NZ 3 Pin |
Secondary Winding Connection : Mains US 3 Pin |
Circuit Breaker : true |
The primary (240V) & secondary (120V) are totally electrically isolated (Dieletric isolation). This is the safest way of making a mains voltage conversion. We recommend this type of transformer whenever the application is medical or medically related or where the secondary equipment is to be operated in or near water or high moisture environments. Note the 240V earth is carried through to the 120V socket earth.